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At you can buy all reviews. The reviews, also called reviews, are posted by real consumers in different languages

Sale! Reviews

14,99 Reviews is the fastest and most affordable package for quickly obtaining reviews.

  • Reviews are placed randomly to keep it as natural as possible.
  • Secure and fast payment
  • Handwritten only reviews by real people!
  • Personal customer service.< /li>
Let op korting wordt berekend per gekozen review (ontvang meer korting bij meerdere reviews!)
Let op korting wordt berekend per gekozen review (ontvang meer korting bij meerdere reviews!)
Let op korting wordt berekend per gekozen review (ontvang meer korting bij meerdere reviews!)
Let op korting wordt berekend per gekozen review (ontvang meer korting bij meerdere reviews!)
Let op korting wordt berekend per gekozen review (ontvang meer korting bij meerdere reviews!)
Wil je vast bijvoorbeeld 5 sterren of variabel?
Je hebt gekozen voor vaste sterren
Wij raadden maximaal 5 per dag aan.
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We ondersteunen: "csv,txt,xlsm,xlsx" bestanden.
De schrijver van de review welke namen mag die bevatten?
De schrijver van de review welke namen mag die bevatten?
De schrijver van de review moet het een vrouw of man zijn? Kies beiden als u beiden wilt ontvangen
De schrijver van de review moet het een vrouw of man zijn? Kies beiden als u beiden wilt ontvangen
Grand total


  1. Positive image
  2. Score higher than your competitor
  3. Score higher organically in Thuisbezorgd. en
  4. Potential customers are more likely to choose your company
  5. Compensate negative reviews
  6. Improve product quality and increase the reputation of your company.< /li>
  7. Greatly increase the conversion of visitors to customers.
  8. 100% Quality reviews profile of active users.
  9. The content of the review will closely related to your brand, good and service.
  10. The reviewers come from Dutch writers. It is also customizable.
  11. Replacement guarantee within 15 days.
  12. Dedicated support 24/7


Did you know that the more reviews you receive, the more likely you are to place an order? The home delivery system works as follows: when a customer wants to place an order, the best-rated restaurants are at the top, while you also make very good food , only your reviews are low and you get much less turnover than you earn!

Fortunately, we have the solution, within a few days we can give your account an average rating of up to 9 or even 9.5!

All you have to do is place an order with us, and we will do the rest of the work!

The reviews prices are for one review only. The price mentioned is for a review (5 stars with Dutch text). You can also compose your own review text.


Ps: If you buy 50 or more reviews from us, you will receive up to 75% shopping cart bundle discount.

The reviews are published in consultation with you, per day, per week, per month between 1 and 100 reviews posted on your platform.

You can buy review bundles from us (with a higher discount) and have them placed on your multiple platforms (, Google,, etc.).


Why choose

With us you can buy Reviews with which you can improve the rating of your company and make it more resistant to bad reviews.

If you have received few reviews yet, 1 bad rating such as 1 star can , significantly lowering your average. The result is that potential customers become less confident in your company and are less likely to make a purchase. The result is that it becomes even more difficult to get positive reviews!

With us you can easily buy REAL reviews where you can determine the number of stars yourself.

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